Tuesday, February 7, 2012

NCSC - Day 2 Morning Devotions

Every morning we have services. Each denomination goes into their own room and pray. This morning I decided to go to the Catholic services next door. It was led by my classmate but all three members of the service (who were all priests) took active roles within the service. I listened to the three sections of Scripture that were read, two of which are mine as well. I had never seen the washing of the hands before the taking of the sacrament because in Jewish tradition, we wash our hands before we say the blessing over the bread. Even the call and response that was done reminded me of my own services, whether it is the response of the community to the priestly benediction or the recitation of certain psalms on Shabbat. I came to the conclusion that I appreciated Mass because their rituals are so unique and similar to my own. I even appreciated being included in the Mass as all three worshipers were male but each announcement was "brothers and sisters."

I was planning on going to the Protestant services tomorrow but we leave for Paris Island (Marine training facility) at 0330.

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