Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NCSC - Day 23 And We Were Doing So Well...

Up until this point, we have had few mishaps. These are the type of behaviors that get us in trouble. For example, your cell phone going off in class or coming to class late. My favorite is forgetting to stand up and declare yourself when answering a question. (Chaplain Candidate Creditor, Sir. I believe...)

However, this morning we were asked to write decision memos on a pretend issue. When our lead instructor came in the room, he explained to us how mad he was that no one wrote a the memo correctly. Then he left the room and the GnySgt let us have it. The difference between a Chaplain yelling at you and a former marine DRILL SERGEANT yelling at you is that the Gunny called out the people who were late or whose cell phones went off, his face turned red.

After he left the room, the incoming lead instructor spoke to us kindly and with love to take the sting off the verbal beating we had just received.

[One observation was that we had just experienced the three 'hats' from marine training. The third who yells, the 'heavy' who speaks with anger and the 'senior', who mothers us.]

And we were doing so well...

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