Tuesday, February 21, 2012

NCSC - Day 15 Playing Catch-up

I have spent the last five months biking around New York City. Not running.
So when I came to Ft. Jackson, I was surrounded by people who had been running for the last five weeks and I am playing catch-up.

For PT today, we did a 1.5 mile run of "Last Man", formerly called 'Indian sprints." You run in single file and the person at the end calls out "LAST MAN" and sprints to the front. Once at the front, they wave their hand and the next person sprints to the front.

As the slowest person in Bravo 12010, this was a challenge.

So my hero today is Chaplain Peterson, who hates PT, for telling that I am 'the little engine that could' at the end of the first mile. He made me laugh and enjoy the last two laps.

So I wondered, if I am 'the engine that could' and he is behind me, does that make him the caboose?

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