Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Evening Prayer

Each night that the ship is out to sea, an evening prayer is given by a chaplain over the 1MC (the ship-wide PA system). Some sailors wait up at night for the evening prayer before going to sleep and others have just started working but many stop what they are doing and gather to listen.

There are Christians and Jews, Muslims and atheists aboard this ship who will hear my prayer and my job is to reach them all.

So what do I say? I only have 2 minutes at most.

I am searching for a universal message that is based in my own faith. 

And this is how it turned out.

(Standing on the bridge, waiting until 21:55) 

Boatswains’ Mate (BM): Stand by for the evening prayer.

Me: Good Evening George Washington.
This evening’s prayer comes from Ecclesiastes 4:9 – 10 which reads, “2 are better than 1… If 1 falls down, his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls and has no-one to help him up!”

Let us pray.

Creator of All,
Help us to remember that we do not exist in our own bubble.
That we can accomplish more when we work as a team.
Give us the courage to learn to lean on others so we do not fall.
And help us be strong enough to support those who lean on us.

Together we succeed.

To your infinite guidance and unity we turn, Amen.

Be at peace, George Washington.

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