Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thank You USY!

We arrived in Guam for liberty. 
While there, I participated in a COMREL or sometimes called a COMSERV (community relations project or community service project)

It’s basically a SATO (social actions, Tikun Olam) project. 

Who knew that being a youth director would come in handy?! Thank you USY.

We visited a middle school and talked about what we do and what life is like aboard ship. 
I drew comparisons between their community and the community of the ship. I have a post office, you have a post office...

The interesting point is that the kids have grown up so assimilated to American culture that they have lost their own Chamorro (native Guam) ways.

To combat this, the school system incorporated a Chamorro language, traditions and customs class into the curriculum. It's like Hebrew school during the day. 

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