Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Second Evening Prayer

BM: Stand by for the evening prayer.

Chaplain: Good Evening George Washington.

This evening’s prayer comes from Exodus 39:42 in describing how the portable tabernacle was assembled .  It reads, “According to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so the people of Israel made all the work.”

Creator of All,
We thank you for the port call in Guam,
For the MWR who organized so much for us, giving us the chance to reenergize.

Help us to refocus, to remember that every job, no matter what it may be, is valuable.
As the tabernacle’s creation required every person’s commitment and speciality, so too does our daily life. Remind us, that each of us plays a role that no-one else can fill.

As the island of Guam disappears on the horizon, help us to rededicate ourselves to our jobs, our mission, and each other.

May it be your will. Lord our God, Creator of the Universe, who has brought each of us together in this time and in this place to achieve something greater than ourselves.

As is said in Hebrew, KANE YEHI RATZON, so may it be.

Be at peace, George Washington. 

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