Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Unique moments

Today was filled with some unique moments.

First, we have been running war games with the other carrier in our area. Today, we did a little photo op as we were 700 yards from their starboard bow with a big boy (DDG - destroyer) in between us.

Second,  I finally got to do a FOD walk down. This is when you go onto the flight deck, line up and walk in a line looking for anything that could get sucked into the engines of the jets. This may not sound as exciting to you as it was for me but I loved it. I got to be on the flight deck with no cranium on, no earplugs and I was outside. I spend ALL DAY indoors. It was a nice change and I get to actually do DECK PLATE MINISTRY.  I meet the sailors where they are, in their place of work rather than waiting for them to come see me.

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