Thursday, June 10, 2021

Breaking the Glass Ceiling


In my military career, I have never been the first to do anything, until now.

On 1 OCT 2020, I became the first rabbi ever assigned to the U.S. SOF (Special Operations Forces) community. 

There was a history of military rabbis not being sent to operational billets, so they could remain on base, and take care of the community. But we saw, that when it was time for promotion, they were not competitive against their peers. With some patience and strong voices, that changed. My joining the SOCOM (Special Operations COMmand) this fall, I have shattered the argument, “but we don’t send our rabbis there.”

I am thankful that not only could I open a door for future rabbis to be assigned to SOF billets, but to be reunited with chaplains I served with in Okinawa.

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