Thursday, June 10, 2021

Self Care... and the Zoo

 The San Diego zoo is free for active duty personnel. 

So, I had the day off, met up with friends who were stationed in Okinawa with me, and we toured the zoo.

I did not take it very seriously. 

A lesson to everyone. When you invite me to go with you to the zoo, I will find the most ridiculous pictures to take. You have been warned. 

He was sleeping.

No, seriously. He was just sleeping, using a rock as a pillow. That does NOT look comfortable.
Did they name him Jacob?

Sleeping, or drunk. Not sure. If drunk, he may become dehydrated. That headache is going to hurt.

The largest ROUS (rodents of unusual size) I have ever seen!

Mmm-hmm. I am just going to turn around now, and go back from whence I came.

Everyone is sleeping!!!!!!! 
They're so lazy!!!!!

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