Thursday, June 10, 2021

Mt Soledad National Veterans Memorial

There are lots of military memorials all over the world, but this one is different. 

The plaques are of people who served - not only those who died. 

I looked for the most interesting ones I could find.

Winston Churchill was given honorary US citizenship by Congress. 

I did not take pictures of every Jewish veteran plaque I found... yes I did.

She outranked him. Hoo-yah!

Author of "First to Fight"

Hopi Indian woman who served.

For all that Bob Hope did to take care of the troops, he was made an honorary veteran.
Thank you for your service, Bob. 

At least one of the 11 got it right. Hoo-yah Navy!

Another Jew, but with the most amazing call sign!!!!

This is just too cool!

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