Thursday, June 10, 2021

USS Midway

 I lived in NY for a combined 26 years. 

I visited the Intrepid, and remember walking around, not connecting to where I was or what I saw. 

I decided to visit the Midway. 

I have run or walked passed it for two years, and figured it was time to go in. 

And it's free for the military.

After living on a ship for two years (small by, not a carrier), I laughed at how much has not changed since the 1990s - regardless of ship platform. 

Allow me to show you.

This is just cool. And he named his airplane after his wife.

We have those same letters painted on our ship, except that we earned the Green "H". Guess they didn't care about their health program!

ADM Halsey fought in the Battle for Guadalcanal (1942–1943) and all the way up the Solomon chain (1942–1945)

We still use this same document for inspecting spaces!!!

I hope my ICs and ETs have an updated handbook.

View from the hanger bay of the famous statue of the sailor kissing a nurse. 

Our POD (plan of the day) looks a little different, but it's not too far off.

Yup! We have that sign, AND the enlisted do swab the deck in "O Country (officer country)".

We didn't have that sign hanging out outside our Wardroom.

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