Tuesday, March 6, 2012

NCSC - Day 29 Driver

I am the driver for squad 1 for some time now.
I was more voluntold than volunteered.

So today, when the Gunny asked us who was driving to dinner tonight, I raised my hand.

"You, ma'am??" He looked shocked and tried to stop himself from laughing.

"Yes, GnySgt."

"Do you use pillows?" That was it. He started laughing along with the rest of the class.

"No GnySgt. But whoever sits behind me has a ton of leg room." More laughter and appreciation that the Gunny feels comfortable enough with us to joke around.

And this is how we ended Phase I of Chaplain School.

Aside: I had to say goodbye to my table-mate, Chaplain Candidate Hardison. He is not staying for all three phases along with Chaplain Haber and Chaplain Candidate Grimes. The class will not be the same without you.

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