Sunday, March 25, 2012

NCSC - Day 48 Sabbah

Last night, the sky turned a greenish-yellow, the thunder rolled in, you could see the lightening and the rain and hail poured from heaven.
And I thought of my grandfather.

When I told my family that I was coming to Ft. Jackson, my grandmother mentioned that she and my grandfather had been stationed here twice during his active Army service.
I don't know how many people can say that a grandfather and granddaughter were stationed at the same base - especially when they served two different branches of the military.

As I watched the lightening storm, I remembered doing this exact same thing with my Sabbah on his porch in the house in New Jersey. I remembered not being scared of the sounds and sights as a young child but rather found the experience fascinating and exciting because my Sabbah was with me.

And last night, I pulled up a chair and watched the show.

And for the first time in a long time, I wished he was here so that I could share my military journey (as limited as it is) with him.

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