Monday, March 26, 2012

NCSC - Day 49 Sacred Sabbath

As we are two days from graduation, we never stop learning. Today's mentoring moment came from the commanding officer of the Navy Chaplaincy School and Center.

Carve out time every day, even five minutes, for intense prayer and meditation to recharge your soul. You (we) need sacred sabbath time during the day.

Why is this so important?
Because operational tempo (the life of an active duty chaplain) does not stop.

When the captain said this, I thought to myself how everyone - not just clergy - could use this. Taking 5 minutes out my schedule to talk to God should would probably improve my day.

Could you imagine if EVERYONE took five minutes in the middle of their day to meditate (or talk to God)? How much calmer we could be? How much more in tune with others and our own souls? I may pray in the morning but this is not "prayer" time. This is "I am going to talk to God for 5 minutes and no one, not even God, is going to interrupt me" time.

I am going to start today.

(The captain made clear that trying to take five minutes at night does not work because we'll be so wiped from the day, we'll just fall asleep. Words spoken from experience.)

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