Tuesday, March 27, 2012

NCSC - Day 51 Graduation Day

28 MAR

We graduated today with salutes, speeches and prayer.

I find myself not ready to leave.

I will miss Gunny warning us that we won't graduate
I will miss Choi's dead pan humor and us adding his name to any song or catchphrase
I will miss getting picked on by the Gunny for everything from my height to my middle name
I will miss Moon's response of "I look confused when I think"
I will miss the Gunny telling Rosenzweig that she has been mispronouncing her own last name her whole life
I will miss Hervey getting picked on for having four kids when Jewell (who sits right next to him) has four as well
I will miss seeing Arant, who has been with me on this journey since ODS (KILO!)
I will miss Byrd's "F----AITH!"
I will miss Gunny saying "Okay. I'll play your silly game"
I will miss the RPs for all the entertainment they provided and the friendships that we established

I will miss the theological discussions and peaceful moments
I will miss the fellowship that I have come to appreciate that has helped me grow as a chaplain, as a rabbi and as a person

I woke up this morning and already missed my shipmates for all of these reasons and more.
I pray that I will see them again soon and maintain the bonds that we have established here at the school house.
May I be privileged to be in the command of my teachers so that I can continue to learn from them in another setting, another stage of my military chaplaincy.

God, watch over my shipmates and our RPs as they go out into the fleet. Let them do good work as they bring peace and hope to the sailors, marines and coasties. May You give their families the strength to support them, wherever the NAVY takes them. And may I join them soon.


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