Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Deployment Highs and Lows: Low

 I had a deployment low today.


I corrected a Second Class Petty Officer for his failure to adhere to proper customs and curtseys – which is my right.

He in turn, blew it up, and told the Command Master Chief that he wanted to submit an IG complaint against me.


This is the SECOND time that should have gone to his leadership and not directly to him. Let them make the correction.


My RP told me to NOT talk to the sailor, but, stubborn me, I thought I had learned from my last failure in this category and wanted to show myself that I had grown by speaking calmly, and professionally to the sailor… and NOT loose my cool.


I thought I followed my game plan.


It backfired.


And yes, I got called into the CO’s office.


I should have trusted my RP, and not let my emotions or ego run the play.

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