Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Spiritual questions in the right time and space

I know Rabbinical School gave me many skills to be a successful rabbi – many of which I use today.


During this third deployment, in the right space and place in my life, I took a class for chaplains on-line.


During the class, questions about spirituality were asked through a totally Christian lens. Regardless of that (and yes, I made noise about lack of inclusive language and curriculum), some of the questions – once reframed – got me thinking about my own spirituality, and spiritual care.


This is NOT a new topic, but at 2200 local time (the class was on EST), I go to pondering what it means to me to be spiritually “fit.”


I pray, and study, but where else can I shore up my spiritual self, to help me be more resilient.


I have no answers right now, but I love this moment of wrestling with how I become a more spiritual me.


Of course, the next step will be, how do I include that in my rabbinate and chaplaincy.

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