Tuesday, October 11, 2022

PCS (Permanent Change of Station) Schedule

1 SEPT – company comes to pack up my house

6 SEPT – company takes my stuff

7 SEPT – return apartment key

7 SEPT – out-brief with CO and SMEO

8 SEPT – teach final Escalation Workshop Training course

9 SEPT – hail and farewell for me and my replacement

12 SEPT – begin my drive to the East Coast

15 SEPT – arrive at my parents

18 SEPT – arrive in Annapolis

21 SEPT – check in

23 SEPT – Lead Shabbat services

25 SEPT – Erev Rosh HaShannah services … Yom Kippur services ... build sukkah


Total days of leave taken during my PCS = 1

Average leave taken during PCS = 30


Next time, don’t PCS right before High Holidays.

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