Thursday, September 17, 2020


It's the last night of my last underway with LKE.

This is what I said at my final afternoon prayer: 

Good afternoon Lake Erie.

Let us Pray.

In the last 56 days, we have drilled, ran flight quarters, CONREPS, shot missiles, hunted subs, broke bread 168 times, saw Hawaii, celebrated 31 birthdays, 4 births, shot 1200 rounds, and traversed 11000 nautical miles together. 

We got new quals, pinned and promoted fellow shipmates, and celebrated their successes with them. We built new relationships, solidified existing ones that will outland the sequester. 

We stood the watch under a starry sky, and open seas with no one else around. 

Together, we battled through adversities - personal and professional, and each time, we helped each other overcome, and become stronger than before. 

We will take each of these memories with us, even once we cross the brow. 

With your blessing, God, we conclude this time together. 


Don't Give Up The Ship.

I wrote all my evening prayers in one journal. This is the first page, marking underways, nautical miles, and major milestones. 

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