Thursday, September 17, 2020

Advocating For What You Believe/ Fighting for Your Sailor


I met a Catholic chaplain, CDR.

Once, I asked him why he did not make O-6.

He told me this story.


He found out that his CO was having an affair.

He went to speak to the CO, advising him to end the affair before he was caught, and because it is immoral.

The CO was caught, and he blamed the chaplain.

He had the chaplain blackballed, so every time he was up for promotion, he was always turned down.


I asked him, out of curiosity if it was worth it. He told me that the most important thing, was that he could look himself in the mirror every day, knowing he did the right thing.


I took that lesson to heart.


My sailor who was suicidal asked for help.

I advocated for him with everyone who I was supposed to, with his permission.

I kept pushing because I knew what I heard and what I saw.

If anyone thought I coached him – that would be their problem, not mine.

For this sailor, I was willing to piss off whoever I needed, if it meant that he got the help he needed.


I can look myself in the mirror, and know that I did the right thing.

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