Thursday, September 17, 2020

Coining MM2

 Rarely do I coin anyone.

[Coining someone is when you give them a coin that has either your command emblem on it, or in my case, the Navy Jewish Chaplain’s Symbol). It is in the shape of the Tablets and Star of David, inscribed with the quote from Commodore Uriah P. Levy on it “ …”. Generally, you give this to someone who has done something remarkable, or it is the gift at say… the Chaplain Corps Ball. I have been coined by Commanding Officers, the Single Marine Program, a Sgt from Kinser DMO, the Armed Services of the Red Cross… You get the picture.]

There are very few of us in the Navy who have the Jewish Chaplain coin and so I coin sparingly.

Most have been SgtMajs I was honored to serve alongside.

One, was the child of a retired Navy diver.

Today, I coined my Machinist Mate Second Class.

After being at the command for 6 years, he is coming to the end of his contract and is getting out of the Navy. In November 2018, we all came in on Shabbat two weekends in a row. We scrubbed vertigree, dry out the bilges, and perform general cleaning quarters in Engineering for the whole day. I ended up in the forward pump room with, at the time, MM3. He was nervous to tell me, a Chief Select, a first class and second class what needed to get done. After ordering him to take charge and give us some direction, he began to lead.

I have gotten to watch him grow, make Second Class, lead from the front, and shine.

Until today, I did not realize how deeply he took my words to heart from that moment in the pump room and subsequent conversations. How we talked about leadership and growth and having faith in yourself.

I could not let him leave without coining him. To honor his journey, and mine. He and I both have come a long way from that forward pump room.

I know you will find your way and be amazing at whatever you decide to do in life. God Bless, MM2. Fair Winds and Following Seas.

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