Thursday, September 17, 2020

Pre-COVID Wardroom "Dining In"

 We had a "dining in" event, with the wardroom at the beginning of March.

I was about to leave to go teach at the Jewish Lay Leader training that Monday. 

I was so sick. 

I got through my presentation of the MIA/POW table, and my invocation before asking to "depart the pattern," and go home. 

The Commanding Officer thanked me for my invocation and explanation, and jokingly told me to take me and my Corona Virus to NY. 

It was funny at the time....

Below is my invocation for the dining in. 

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Mess, let us pray.

God of the salty sea and sailor,

We gather tonight to perform the time-honored tradition, of the dining in.

It is a time to celebrate with toasts, jokes and gin.

With skits full of humor, the JOs will entertain us,

Fining each other, without making a fuss.

For any infraction, we shall drink from the grog,

Too many trips, and our innards we might clog.

So tonight Lord, we ask, as we dine with our peers,

God be with us all, and may tonight end with a cheer!


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