Thursday, September 17, 2020

I hate this. I missed this.


We had a short, four day underway. We left Thursday morning and returned Monday evening. We got lots of training done, completed some qualifications we needed, and did around 24 hours of flight ops, giving the new Helo pilots some practice. It took two days to get into the rhythm of sea life and it felt weird how soon we were pulling back in.

For me and many members of the crew, it was familiar and yet, we were “so over it” after deployment. The shine of being out at sea had lost its luster.

We also forgot how simpler life is at sea. We get more sleep (WHAT???!?!? Your commute is 2 minutes, and you don't have to waste so much time finding a parking spot), know what is expected of us, and outside of sporadic drills throughout the four days, it was great. The weather was gorgeous and truthfully, I missed being out on the ocean with nothing around us but water.

The salt water has in fact, gotten into my blood.

Don’t tell my ship I said that.

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