Thursday, September 17, 2020



In the military world, we move around…a lot.

We move to somewhere new, and in a short period of time, bond with people so much so, that they become a part of your support system. They are as close to you as family. And when you are far from home, those local relationships are vital. And even after you, or they move away, the connection is still there, crossing oceans and time. 

Every time I move, I am blessed to meet people who become like family, who ensure that I am not alone on a Friday night, or invite to their childrens’ birthday parties, and take delight in having “their friend the rabbi” spend Shavuot with them, who ground me, and keep me centered.

I do not know how I could be so blessed.

My cup is overflowing.

1 comment:

  1. We have someone like that here. She calls it framily - the friends that are the family you choose. You're definitely that for us.
