Thursday, September 17, 2020

Battlestar Galactica

I just started re-watching BSG. Though I never got past the second episode of the fourth season, with all this free time, I thought I would start from the beginning.

This time, I was watching with the eye of a Naval Officer. The similarities, the discrepancies… it was great.

Things I found that they did that surprised me:

When we count down from 10 to 1, we do NOT say five. One could mishear it as “fire.” This is bad if you think there is a fire on the ship, or that it was a command to fire a missile.

The Chief Engineer was also the Chief Boatswain’s Mate. That does not make sense. The CHENG deals with engines, water systems… and an officer. The BMC, or in this case, ABMC, because he is an Aviation BMC, is enlisted, and the flight deck would be his area of responsibility.

I wish they'd had a Navy technical advisor to correct their deficiencies!

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