Thursday, September 17, 2020

Finding the Words to Ask for Help


Sailors talk to us in their own language.

Innocuous words have different meaning for different people.

When you tell me you are “okay,” what does that mean to you?


I spend the time getting to understand the lexicon of the sailors.

It takes time, and attentiveness to language, wording, and syntax.


So when a sailor comes to me, sharing that he is suicidal without saying those exact words, I knew what he was trying to say.

I had already learned his lexicon from previous counselings.


What was hard for him to realize, was that the other members who were a part of the process of getting him off the ship for treatment, did not understand him.


I explained to him the importance of using transparent language, and speaking plainly.

It is hard when you have to say out loud that you are suicidal and homicidal.

It is scary.

It is scary to say, and admit.


Thank God, he was able to finally say the words that were weighing on his heart.

Words that were understood by those in charge.

His clear words freed him, so he could get medical assistance before anything terrible happened to him or anyone else on the ship.

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