Friday, January 14, 2022

Care Packages and a Kosher Salami!!

I cannot thank the amazing communities that came together to send care packages to my people. Some donors have known me since high school, and others only recently. And so many organizations ready and willing to support my people, who are scattered all over the place, and other commands in need of some holiday cheer!

 That taste of home is so meaningful, no matter what time of year we are gone. 

 I cannot thank enough Alex and his wife Deena, who sent me a salami, and some Chanukkah decorations. They are still up. 

It is the only Kosher meat I got on deployment, outside of the Kosher beef jerky that Rabbi Esther Reed sent along with some other goodies.  I am so blessed.


I promise, Alex. When you are deployed, I will return the favor!!!!


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