Friday, January 14, 2022

First: Chief to Chief Warrant Officer 2 Promotion

I have given invocations at promotions before, but not one where a sailor moves from the Chief’s Mess to the Wardroom.

It was an honor.

Below is the invocation and benediction.


Let us pray.

 Holy One,

For 12 years, Senior Chief Vandell has dedicated himself to his craft, advancing his skills, and his rank. Today, we are honored to witness Trevor’s transition from the Chief’s Mess to the Wardroom. Surrounded by family and friends, may this moment be blessed, and full of joy as he takes his first steps as a Chief Warrant Officer.



If you would join me in prayer.

Source of Strength,

We welome into our ranks Chief Warrant Officer Vandell. And regardless of the rank he wears, or where he eats his meals, we know that Trevor’s leadership will be welcome - - everywhere he goes. And may Beth, Grace and Quinn, make sure to take some credit for Trevor’s success, for without them, he might not be here today.  May Trevor feel Your trust and confidence in him, as he always has. And may be blessed, as Moses blessed Joshua, ‘Chazak V’Ematz,’ be strong and of good courage.


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