Friday, January 14, 2022

Second Night of Chanukkah Part II: Sharaka

My brother-in-law is a mystery to me.

Every time I think I know what he is doing, he pops up somewhere else.

This time, he popped up at a Second Night of candle lighting event, down the street from the first event.

Little did I know that he is a board member of Sharaka, an NGO that brings Emeratis and Baharainis to Israel, and building a lasting bond between the Abraham Accords countries.

Sharaka - Shaping a New Middle East – Together (

And since I was in the area, of course I crashed his party.

Again, I was in awe of Emerati Muslims supporting their Jewish friends celebrating a Jewish holiday.

I hope and pray that this becomes the norm. I wish it with all my heart.

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