Saturday, January 29, 2022

Deployment Firsts: Leading Egalitarian Services in UAE over Zoom

This deployment is been full of firsts. 

And this may be another one. 

Over Zoom last night, I led Egalitarian Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv in the UAE. 

As there is no Masorti/Conservative or Reform rabbi in the area outside of myself, this may have been a first service led by non-Orthodox rabbi. 

I am still letting that sink in.

But I do not have too long to think about it, because I am leading KabShab services again (over Zoom) in two weeks, this time to include an invite to the Baharaini Jewish community and the US military Jewish communities of Bahrain and UAE.

And maybe starting to teach a Shiur once the week. 

No biggie. 

What did you do this week?

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