Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Sukkahs and allergies

 The first Mitzvah you are supposed to do after Yom Kippur is build a Sukkah. 

With the leadership of the facilities manager, and help from the RPs, we got the Sukkah up the morning after Yom Kippur, but it did not stop my allergy to grass from making itself known.


Note to self for next time: wear long-sleeves.

Home for the next three years

 And so I arrived at the Naval Academy, safe and sound. 

This will be my home for the next three years. 

No deployments, no unexpected underways, no broken RO and shower hours, no off-site training for two weeks at a stretch. 

My name is already on the wall.

Quiet Waters Park

A friend recommended a nice, quiet park to run in, while I had some free times on my hands.

It lived up to its name, and I am grateful for this very serene place where I came to run and be surrounded by such natural beauty.

Bills vs Ravens

I am a Bills fan.

I watched them lose 4 Super Bowls in a row, and still I rooted for them.

From Jim Kelley, to Doug Flutie to Tyrod Taylor to Josh Allen.


And they are playing the Ravens on the Sunday in between Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur.


I just can’t add one more thing to my plate, and get a ticket to the game.

But, when someone gifted me two tickets and a parking pass, I couldn't say no. I stumbled to find the words, and thanked the donor with as much grace as I could muster. I even promised to keep my cheering for the Bills to a minimum. 

Thank you, Audrey for letting me borrow your husband while you were away, so I could have a buddy to go to the game with.

And thank you, Bills Mafia, for showing up, and cheering our Bills on as they won by a field goal with no time left on the clock!!!!  

PCS (Permanent Change of Station) Schedule

1 SEPT – company comes to pack up my house

6 SEPT – company takes my stuff

7 SEPT – return apartment key

7 SEPT – out-brief with CO and SMEO

8 SEPT – teach final Escalation Workshop Training course

9 SEPT – hail and farewell for me and my replacement

12 SEPT – begin my drive to the East Coast

15 SEPT – arrive at my parents

18 SEPT – arrive in Annapolis

21 SEPT – check in

23 SEPT – Lead Shabbat services

25 SEPT – Erev Rosh HaShannah services … Yom Kippur services ... build sukkah


Total days of leave taken during my PCS = 1

Average leave taken during PCS = 30


Next time, don’t PCS right before High Holidays.

Macabi Games in San Diego


It was my honor to bring together some sailors, officers and Marine to speak to over 270 Macabi middle school and high school students from all over the US.

Evolution of my orders to USNA

 1) I had verbal orders almost 2 years ago that I was going to the United States Naval Academy.

2) Verbal orders #2 - I was leaving in November, go to school, and report to the USNA in December.

3) Hard copy orders (#3) – detach in October, report in November.


Request to detach in September to get to Academy in time to lead High Holidays.


4) Hard copy orders (#4) – detach in September and report No Later Than October.

Yeah... I'll detach and get there to lead High Holidays. Can't wait until October. 

San Diego Wave FC

 I have been patient, and the day finally arrived when the NWSL came to San Diego!

And they won!!!!

July 4th - Julien, CA style

I haven’t been to a “hometown, USA” July 4th celebration in forever.

Julien was exactly that!

Between the pie, the knitting circle, the used bookstore and the parade, it was wonderful!!!!!

I made a Challah for July 4th Shabbat

Billy and Micah went and helped with the GIANT flag

The Marine Corps was there to represent!

Oceanside to Torry Pines

Billy (Corinna’s husband), Micah (their third child) and I went for a little bike ride.

That's how Billy defines "little".


Life's not fair ... except when it is!

Corinna has a thing that when you say, “That’s not fair!”, she responds with “where’s the ferris wheel? Where’s my funnel cake? That’s a fair.”


Ferris Wheel – check. Funnel cake – check!

Memorial Day is not just a day off from work

I refuse to treat Memorial Day in such a casual manner, like it's just another day off.

This is the day where we make sure that those who fought in defense of our country are not lost to time. 

We remember their names, their stories, their heroism, or they will be lost forever. 

And for those of us who serve now, that will be our fate, when time takes us, UNLESS we reinforce the understanding that this is not just a day off from work or school. It is a day to remember those who died in service of this country. 

pictures from the U.S.S. Midway Memorial Day event

Catching up with hometown friends

My sister’s friend went to the Naval Academy and is currently an O5. As she just came off her CO tour, she was in SD for some training. I was happy to FINALLY catch up with her.

EO complaint

Not everything in the Navy is peachy, and after enough time and enough incidents, I submitted an EO complaint on a superior.


I feel better that I did it, because this should not be happening in my Navy.


I do not know what will come if it, but at least I did something, rather than continue to keep quiet and let the abuse continue.


P.S. The investigation is concluded, and my complaint was unfounded.

(There is more, but I am not permitted to discuss it.)

I stand by what I said, and wrote.

I will not wait so long, should there be a next time.


I hope to God I never have to work with this person again.

TCC Change of Command

One of my favorite COs of all time is also the first female CO in NSW.

I will miss her humor, her faith, and guidance.

And of course, her cookies!!!



An unexpected promotion

 In 2021, I was selected for promotion to the rank of LCDR.

For some unknown reason, I assumed I would be promoting in September of 2022.


I then promptly forgot about it.


I was meeting with my mentor, when he let me know that I should be promoting soon.

He checked his list, and, as he said, I should promote 1 APR.


I thought he was kidding.




In 72 hours, I will promote to LCDR.


April 1, 2022.


“Perhaps you should contact Admin to get the paperwork going, so you can sign it and promote on time, Chaplain Creditor?”


“A wise suggestion, sir.”

Holocaust Remembrance Event at LOGSU

One of the best things I got to do this year, was bring a Holocaust survivor to speak to sailors who had no connection to, and no understanding of the Holocaust.

 Thank you, Ben, for sharing your story with a generation that cannot forget, and are now witnesses to your story.



Death of a “Congregant”

 I worked with the non-Orthodox Jewish community in UAE (virtually), and one of the members of the community passed away suddenly. But here I am in the US, using technology to help the spouse work through Jewish law and tradition, and guiding them as the struggle with this tragedy.

 I have to walk the line of not telling the spouse what to do, but to come to all the decisions herself. I will not deal with any ramifications of her choices – she will – and I want her to feel good with the path she walks for herself and her family.

 I pray that I am guiding her correctly.


Post Script: I must have done it right. I would have honored her decisions no matter what, but if felt good that she thought everything through, and came to her own conclusions to align her actions with the traditions of Judaism.

Small Jewish Navy family

I met this family while working at Ramah in California (Ojai), and reconnected when I moved here. We became even closer when I joined their synagogue.


It was then my great honor, to see their middle child graduate from “A” school, the second of three schools he attends before hitting the fleet.


Mazal Tov STGSN (soon to be STG3) on graduating from one of the harder school in the Navy.


Reintegration is a strange thing.  

It feels like I just left, while simultaneously it feels like I have been gone forever.

Everything has changed, but nothing is any different.

You've changed, and so has everyone else, but their hugs and love are just as you remembered it. 

Why should the return flight be any less entertaining than the flight out here??!??!!

 I get the airport in plenty of time.

But wait, my bag is too heavy.

I buy a piece of luggage in the airport store and pray to God that both pieces will meet me in San Diego.

International flight arrives to Dulles on time

Go through screening

Grab bags

find check in counter for domestic flight

jump the line to drop off bags

30 minutes until flight leaves

run through TSA

stopped by TSA - machine not working


run to gate

take bus on extender wheels to actual gate

arrive to gate sweaty, tired, and hungry

land in San diego. 

Pray for both pieces of luggage meet me.

Sister-from-another-mister and her son meet me at baggage claim

welcomed home with hugs and kisses. surprisingly, no tears.

baggage x2 picked up.

Fell asleep in my own bed!

How times flies!

17th COVID test is done. Came back negative. I am on my way home!!!!


Third deployment in three years is in the books!!!!!

News you never want to receive on deployment

It’s my first full day of quarantine, so I planned on sleeping in.

My mom sent an email because she did not want to wake me up.

My brother woke me up at 2:30 AM local.


My grandmother, one month shy of her 98th birthday, and about three weeks before I was supposed to come home from deployment, passed away.


Since I am in quarantine, I cannot test for COVID to leave deployment and get to the funeral. I won’t even get there in time for Shiva.


I get to watch the funeral over zoom, alone.


This is one of  the hardest parts of deployment, and serving in the military in general. We do not have the freedom of movement like civilians. The mission comes first – always.

This is not the first time I have had to deal with this. 

When my great-aunt, my grandmother's sister died at 100 1/2, I could not get home from Okinawa in time for the funeral, and most of Shiva as well.

I am not the first, nor the last to experience this. 

It hurts just the same.


Deployment and COVID and quarantine


My RP1 got COVID, and I drove him to work, so I am quarantined for five days.


This is the second close-contact trace that puts me in quarantine while on deployment.


Oh well.

Deployment Highs and Lows: A Post Script to the Low

 Post deployment: The SCPO who wanted to submit the IG complaint, came and apologized to me. We spent about 90 minutes, where he shared, and I listened. I advised him as best I could, we shook hands and parted on good terms.


I know that we are told that when we throw a rock into the water, we do not see all the ripples.


This time I got to.


Deployment Highs and Lows: High

 This afternoon, after the debacle with the SCPO, I got a phone call from a prior Marine who wanted me to know that I saved her life, by counseling her when she was at her lowest.


She thanked me for my advice, and how it changed everything. She is out of the Corps now, but still serving in a different capacity, and wanted my advice.


That conversation definitely balanced my day. 

Deployment Highs and Lows: Low

 I had a deployment low today.


I corrected a Second Class Petty Officer for his failure to adhere to proper customs and curtseys – which is my right.

He in turn, blew it up, and told the Command Master Chief that he wanted to submit an IG complaint against me.


This is the SECOND time that should have gone to his leadership and not directly to him. Let them make the correction.


My RP told me to NOT talk to the sailor, but, stubborn me, I thought I had learned from my last failure in this category and wanted to show myself that I had grown by speaking calmly, and professionally to the sailor… and NOT loose my cool.


I thought I followed my game plan.


It backfired.


And yes, I got called into the CO’s office.


I should have trusted my RP, and not let my emotions or ego run the play.

Spiritual questions in the right time and space

I know Rabbinical School gave me many skills to be a successful rabbi – many of which I use today.


During this third deployment, in the right space and place in my life, I took a class for chaplains on-line.


During the class, questions about spirituality were asked through a totally Christian lens. Regardless of that (and yes, I made noise about lack of inclusive language and curriculum), some of the questions – once reframed – got me thinking about my own spirituality, and spiritual care.


This is NOT a new topic, but at 2200 local time (the class was on EST), I go to pondering what it means to me to be spiritually “fit.”


I pray, and study, but where else can I shore up my spiritual self, to help me be more resilient.


I have no answers right now, but I love this moment of wrestling with how I become a more spiritual me.


Of course, the next step will be, how do I include that in my rabbinate and chaplaincy.

Another deployment first: Guest lecturer for AGJC

 I had the honor and privilege of being the guest speaker for the pre-Shabbat service led by the AGJC.


I talked about what it means to be an Ohr Lagoyim, a light unto the nations in my position as rabbi in the American military.


I think this goes into the category of “never would have thought to put that on my bucket list.”

Artwork from a 5 year old

When I deployed the first time, my sister sent a huge butcher block paper with drawings from Ya’ara, my at-the-time 3 year old niece. 

It meant so much to me to have something to look at that connected me to my sister, and to my niece.

This time around, my now nearly 5-year-old niece sent me some artwork. 

This time, I prominently displayed them on my wall... because I had a wall to display them upon. 

Watching from Afar

An aspect of deployment that no-one likes, is watching from Afar when:


1) two of your mentees promote to LTJG and not be able to be there. At least there is facebook live.

Congrats Alex and Stefanie!!!


2) Your favorite MSgt retires.

Mazal Tov, Jen!!!

My birthday

I generally don’t celebrate my birthday, no matter where I am, but it was a HUGE surprise, when my cousin sent me a Lego-type Destroyer!!!!


I find it funny it was not an AWACS, since she was in the Air Force.


And still the Best birthday present I have ever received on deployment.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Deployment Firsts: Leading Egalitarian Services in UAE over Zoom

This deployment is been full of firsts. 

And this may be another one. 

Over Zoom last night, I led Egalitarian Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv in the UAE. 

As there is no Masorti/Conservative or Reform rabbi in the area outside of myself, this may have been a first service led by non-Orthodox rabbi. 

I am still letting that sink in.

But I do not have too long to think about it, because I am leading KabShab services again (over Zoom) in two weeks, this time to include an invite to the Baharaini Jewish community and the US military Jewish communities of Bahrain and UAE.

And maybe starting to teach a Shiur once the week. 

No biggie. 

What did you do this week?

Friday, January 14, 2022

The Military is a Small family

 I love running into friends I served with previously. 

John Jones and I served at 2nd Intel Bn 2016-2018.

Ben and I were in chaplain school together in 2012.

14 COVID tests...

RP1 and just finished our 14th COVID tests.

Yup, 14. And we still have another chunk of deployment to go.

I assume we will be at 20 by the end.

We'll see who gets the Golden Q-Tip at the end.

At least we were escorted by a pretty sunset. 

Care Packages and a Kosher Salami!!

I cannot thank the amazing communities that came together to send care packages to my people. Some donors have known me since high school, and others only recently. And so many organizations ready and willing to support my people, who are scattered all over the place, and other commands in need of some holiday cheer!

 That taste of home is so meaningful, no matter what time of year we are gone. 

 I cannot thank enough Alex and his wife Deena, who sent me a salami, and some Chanukkah decorations. They are still up. 

It is the only Kosher meat I got on deployment, outside of the Kosher beef jerky that Rabbi Esther Reed sent along with some other goodies.  I am so blessed.


I promise, Alex. When you are deployed, I will return the favor!!!!