Sunday, July 31, 2011

ODS - Day 10 The Sandbox and Cookie Jar

Have you ever watched a military movie where you see the recruits doing calistetics in a sand pit while being sprayed with water? You sit there and think to yourself either, “that doesn’t look too bad” or “Oh my God, I am so glad I am not in their place.” Well, now I can tell you from personal experience that it feels as uncomfortable as it looks. The water goes up your nose, pushes your contac out of place and your hands are busy and dirty so there is nothing to do but suck it up. You roll to your right on your stomach, you roll to your left and the sand gets everywhere. You do jumping jacks with sand in your hands and the sand flies everywhere, especially into your hair.

Not only did we have the honor and privilage of visiting the sandbox but we go to go to the cookie jar as well (another sand pit) before rushing back to our house to shower quickly and get to class on time. When we walked in the door, the other three companies looked at us with such sympathy. I smiled and sat down, my hair dripping wet from my not-even two minute shower that did not get all the sand out of my hair. When asked what happened, I answered that we got to go to the beach and it was a shame they didn’t join us. The waves were great for boogie boarding.

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