Monday, July 18, 2011

ODS - Day 2

Love the salad. Love. The. Salad. I am trying to keep Kosher at a place where Kosher is not something the kitchen is equipt to handle. I have spent the whole day eating salad with tuna fish in it. And peanut butter. I remember eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with my brother and aunt and how much I loved it. Thank God. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to eat salad before I start turning green but as of now, I rock the salad.

Today, we got our PT (physical training) clothes – our first uniform. This includes a yellow t-shirt, blue shorts, official NAVY sweatpants and sweatshirts with a reflector belt. If one person chooses to take off their sweatshirt, we all must take off our sweatshirts. Uniformity among 41 people is accomplished all day.

We can’t forget our new best friend, the blue water bottle. We must remain hydrated and drink at least 24 ounces 6 times daily. Going to head and hydrating are today’s sport. And we must bring our blue best friend everywhere we go. The clothes are only available in mens sizes. This means that everything is too big and too long. I wear a children’s extra-large shirt. The NAVY does not have children’s size t-shirts. Oh well. I did not come to the NAVY to make a fashion statement.

We did get some inspirational speeches from the Ex-O and the Commanding Officer. As they put it, “drink the cool-aid.” In other words, emerse in this life. Emerse in it, believe it and believe the creed and fundamental beliefs of the NAVY. Honor. Courage. Commitment. Drink the cool-aid and be the best officer you can be. I am drinking the cool-aid, calling out for roll call as loud as I can be and respond with an enthusiastic, “yes sir” with no sarcasm or humor. I am beginning my immersion. I am ready for the next evolution.

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