Monday, July 18, 2011

ODS - Day 3 Senior Chief

We met our drill instructor this morning. He was exactly what I expected. Senior chief, “don’t call me sir, I work for a living” is a large, strong, black man with 19 years of service. We learned a lot at 04:30. We learned how to walk, how to move together and most of all, we learned what it means to be disciplined by a Senior Chief. We fell on our faces and did push-ups. We punish the body so the brain can learn. Down – pain, up – discipline.” We were disciplined a lot. We made mistakes. We forgot the proper responses to commands. I hear the commands and I process what needs to be done but my body can not follow fast enough. I have been at fault for making my company do push-ups today. My goal tomorrow is to not cause my company to be discplined. That’s a big goal. Our Senior Chief loves the NAVY and wants us to be the best naval officers we can be. He has made it clear that we have a long way to go before he thinks we are ready.

PT – physical training begins at 05:00 on Nimitz Field. Since we are in Rhode Island, the morning fog is heavy and covers the field. As PT continues, the fog begins to burn off, the sun rises over the bleachers and the sky changes from cloudy to clear. Hollywood special effects have nothing on reality.

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