Monday, July 18, 2011

ODS - Day 4 Wow

I had two “wow” moments today.

The first was hearing the national anthem played while we stood at attention and our senior chief saluted the flag. We stood in the sun and watched the flag sway. This is what it means to be a naval officer. These are the moments that remind me that I am doing something I love. I felt goose-bumps watching the senior chief salute. He showed love and respect to that which I love and respect.

The second “wow” moment was at sunset and Kilo company sang “Anchor’s Away” facing the water. Those words that we sang or the Sailor’s creed that we recited have meaning and purpose. “I represent the fighting spirit of the NAVY and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world.” Those are not just words, but as senior chief put it, they must be written on your heart. It reminded me of the verse from Song of Songs, “And you shall make Me a seal upon your heart.” These words come from your soul and not just out of my mouth.

As for my personal goal, I was not going to give senior chief a reason to discipline us because of something I did or said. However, I did delay our exit from chow twice.

I know that ODS is meant to teach us what it means to be a naval officer and to understand and become emersed in the culture of the navy. At the same time, as we were fitted for uniforms, it seemed almost false - like I was getting to wear a uniform I did not earn. I want to feel like I have earned the uniform I wear.

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