Sunday, July 31, 2011

ODS - Day 18 Unlocked Lockers

Saved. I do not mean this in a religious context. Today, our class officer was walking down our p-way when he discovered locks that were un-locked (a major violation). Usually, that is an automatic locker-toss where all of your belongings are strewn all over the room. This is your punishment for forgetting to lock your locker. Rather than punish those who forgot – and I have a sneaky suspicion that I was one of the culprits – we have been given a pass from RPT because we have an exam on Friday. I do not know if I have ever been more thankful that I have a test. Today I am. However, this means that we owe the class officer an RPT session. Now it’s the waiting game as to when he’ll come to collect. Will he RPT us during the final week or some time during the fourth week? So long as it is not today or Thursday, I don’t care when we do it. (Of course I am saying this now. Later, I will care).

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