Sunday, July 31, 2011

ODS - Day 12 RPT x 3

Today is called ‘the see-saw.’ We went through most of the day with no incident and then one member of the company changed our fate for the night. According to the regulations, we may be educated via physical training (RPTed) 10 minutes out of every hour. Tonight, we were RPTed three times over the course of three hours. We wore our shorts, t-shirts, sweatpants, sweatshirts and jumpsuits and visited the Rose Garden. The rose garden is not a garden with roses. It is a sandpit that overlooks the water of Newport. It has a stunning view of the bay. But it is still a sandpit that we must do our pushups and crunches and roll around in. We are breathing so heavy from being disciplined to appreciate the view any longer. Holding yourself in a squatting position while he yells at you is not fun and experiencing the sun setting in the bay is no longer relevant.

In between each RPT session, we went back to our P-way and spoke as a company. We rise or fall as a company and not a group of individuals. That is the way the NAVY functions. We must work together as one unit in order to survive. As instructed by Senior Chief, we all move rooms– all 41 of us. Senior Chief fired our Division Officer and Assistant Division Officer. We select the replacements to show Senior Chief that we have taken the initiative. As was explained to us by one of our prior enlisted, we need to learn to experience the shake up and figure out how to come back into focus. We’re shaken up. My hope is that the individuals in the company get the hint. I am sick of the rose garden and getting punished for other people’s poor choices.

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