Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ODS - Day 6 The lighter side of Senior Chief

Today has been an eventful day. First, we began with a PT run that was broken up by exercises like fire engines, body builders, dirty dogs and of course, NAVY push-ups. We then had class where so many of us ended up standing in the back in an attempt to stay awake. I was poked multiple times because my eyes had closed and my head fell forward. By the time we got to lunch, I so tired that I thought it was dinner. It's not like I can look at my watch to keep track of time - we do not have the privilege to wear watches yet.

Tonight, Senior Chief showed us his personal side. He shared life lessons with us about his family and how family is important and the difficulties of balancing the obligations between family and the NAVY. He wanted us to remember that the family is effected by our serving the NAVY. He reminded us that we are 1% of the country who serve to protect what we hold dear. He showed us his funny side. He looked to the window and heard another chief yelling at a company and said, “I don’t talk as much as that chief. And he can talk a lot.”

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