Sunday, July 31, 2011

ODS - Day 17 Chow procedures

As happens during training here at ODS, we are expected to adapt to changes at any time. I was given the responsibility of calling out the instructions for chow this evening. They are not difficult or lengthy directions – however, the stress of making sure to say them correctly, at the right speed and giving people enough time to react between prepatory command and execution is frightening.

Of course, in proper fashion and fear of messing up, I began the command to being the meal before the entire company had gotten food. 4 people came and sat down as the rest of the company was already seated. The most nerve-wracking thing about all of this, is making sure to call the countdown (1-5 minute warning, 1-0 minute warning, 0-5 minute warning, immediate warning) is at the right time. I have never eaten so fast in my life. When I had 60 seconds to go before calling the next warning, I stopped eating for fear that I would be in mid-bite when I should be calling out the orders. Chow has never been so stressful and fun.

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