Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ODS - Day 5 PRT #1

Today we had our first fitness test. It’s like the Presidential Fitness test I took in middle school. After the test, I realized that I was in better shape in middle school.

Here at ODS, we get up at 4:30am and are not permitted to sleep until 22:00. At some point, the grueling schedule starts to grind us down. Today we started to notice the effects of this process. While an ENS was being disciplined for lack of good judgement, several other members of the company responded by laughing. You could say that it was a bit childish to laugh and you would be right except that this is the part of the breaking down process. I could see the one member of the company try to compose themselves and they could not. Lack of sleep, the need to study and memorize and physical training – something has to give. Of course it was no surprise that we were disciplined for our lack of military bearing. On the up side, we got to watch evening colors - when the flag is brought down … before we were disciplined again.

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