Sunday, July 31, 2011

ODS - Day 9 Memorial Day

Remember how I said that there were no class officers or chiefs on base so we would have some vacation. I was wrong. The only chief to come to the base today was our Senior Chief. He brought us out to Nimitz field, had us stand at attention in front of the Ensign (the flag) and spoke to us about the meaning of this day. He was the only one to infuse the day with meaning, making the connection between us and those who came before us.

On top of that, we did some more introductions and this was when our true diversity shined through. We come from all parts of the country and other countries. We have degrees from multiple institutions, we are prior enlisted and from different branches of the military. We are single, married, newly married, getting married, married with children. We are all different races, religions and nationalities. We are doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, medical school students, chaplain candidates and medical staff corp. We are tall, short and every variety of body type. We are the epitome of the American mixing bowl and we are stronger because of it.

Tomorrow, I expect Senior Chief to pullout all the stops on us and so I will enjoy these last few peaceful hours before the morning comes.

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