Sunday, July 31, 2011

ODS - Day 11 Death by Powerpoint / Marching

I believe this is called ‘death by power point.’ We go to an auditorium with an instructor who spends 2 hours speaking and showing us power point presentations. We are given permission to stand in the back so we don’t fall asleep during the lecture. At one point, there are more of us standing up than sitting in the chairs. I can’t help falling asleep. Senior chief is not around, I am not getting enough sleep and the lecturer has no enthusiasm or the topic is simply boring me to sleep. My notes are unreadable when I start to does off with the paper still touching the pen. There are times when I try to correct the notes so they are legible and it takes a few tries since I am not totally awake. Good thing there is a student guide with this information.

We have been practicing marching. We will have to do this for graduation so we might as well get it right now. Without Senior Chief around, we make suggestions, correct each other and feel calmer. When Senior Chief is around, we mess up things we know we can do correctly. Today, we worked to conquer the ‘column left’ and ‘column right.’ This sounds simple but with 41 people, this is hard work. This is new to the drill body as well. He's doing his best and we're proud of him for all the effort he puts into his job. I am proud to say that we moving in the right/left direction.

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